Monday, September 24, 2012

Glade Expressions Collection Review as a BzzAgent

As a BzzAgent I frequently get to sample new products and write reviews of them.  Recently I was given the chance to try two products from the new Glade Expressions Collection.  I tried the spray and oil diffuser in the Pineapple Mangosteen scent.

Background info:  I have four huge, inside dwelling greyhounds.  They can bring some serious dog smell in the house and sometime is is overwhelming! 

I loved the spray.  I was able to control how much I wanted to spray and how often.  It was a little strong after spraying, but dispersed quickly.  I enjoyed the new Pineapple Mangosteen scent, even though I still have no clue what Mangosteen is!

I am not as in love with the oil diffuser.  The picture above does not really show that the upright part with the holes in it is made out of bamboo.  I still love the scent; however it is chemically overwhelming.  I tried to leave it in our big living, kitchen and dining room area and it was so strong that I started getting a headache.  We currently have it in our music room with the door shut and we can still smell it in the other rooms.  If you really need that kind of odor cover up, then this is the perfect product for you!

BzzAgent provided me with two coupons for free products and discounted coupons, but all opinions are my own.

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